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Concert statistics

Show 21 of 74 of Devils & Dust Tour
Number of songs played:24
Number of users who were at this concert:184
World premieres:-
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Personal premieres:
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2005/06/01, Badalona Spain

Palau Municipal d'Esports de Badalona

(Also known as: Pavelló Olímpic de Badalona)


   1 My Beautiful Reward
   2 Reason To Believe
   3 Devils & Dust
   4 Lonesome Day
   5 Long Time Comin'
   6 Silver Palomino
   7 The River
   8 Real World
   9 State Trooper
   10 Maria's Bed
   11 Nebraska
   12 Reno
   13 Paradise
   14 Racing In The Street
   15 The Rising
   16 Further On (Up The Road)
   17 Jesus Was An Only Son
   18 Leah
   19 The Hitter
   20 Matamoros Banks
   21 Ramrod
   22 Land of Hope and Dreams
   23 The Promised Land
   24 Dream Baby Dream
world premiere Premiere this country tour premiere personal premiere
Length concert: unknown
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Number of users who were at this concert: 184